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When Competition Stops Being Friendly

Read: 1 Samuel 18

The Homan boys love a good, friendly competition.

Pancakes for breakfast? “I bet I can eat mine before you eat yours.”

Tree climbing? “Let’s start at the same time and see who reaches the top first!”

Goat wrangling? “Okay, the first person to catch their goat get’s out of dishes for a week!”

Everything – and I mean everything – becomes an opportunity to show off their skills.

“Look at me, Mom! I’m carrying ten plates to the sink!”

“Wait a minute! Let’s see who can carry the MOST!”

*Insert Shattering Plates And Very Apologetic Boys Who Are Lucky They Are So Cute*

I think of my boy’s love for competing as I read 1 Samuel 18. As Saul listened to the people of Israel cheer for David after his victory over Goliath and watched his own son befriend him – the desire to “one-up” David became more than just a “good, friendly competition.” It became an obsession fueled by jealous rage. He didn’t want to just beat David. He HAD to beat David. Why? Because the root of jealousy is insecurity. David’s win meant his loss. If the people thought well of David, then Saul feared they thought less of him.

Before long, the very person who was to be his greatest ally had become his most dreaded opponent. And that is what jealousy does. It divides, it destroys, and it terrorizes relationships. James 3:16 says, “For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.Galatians 5:15 warns, “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” Jealousy too often stirs up within us a desperate fury birthed by a desire to be seen, validated, and praised and a fear that, if man’s approval is shared with another, there won’t be enough to go around.

Can I encourage you today to search your heart? Saul’s identity was wrapped up in the people’s praise. Where have you placed your identity? What speaks value over you? Men’s words or God’s Word? Their love or His love?

Do you need to win? Does success drive you or bringing God glory? Have you been harboring anger or jealousy in your heart towards someone who achieved what you had hoped to achieve? Lay it before the Lord today and ask Him to give you a deeper love for that person.

Left unchecked, jealousy will bring division. Can I encourage you today: Don’t let it. Deal with the root of jealousy in your heart. Proverbs 14:30 tells us that jealousy “rots the bones,” but a “heart at peace” brings life to our bodies. My prayer for each of us today is that wherever insecurity, jealousy, and envy have found a home in our hearts – peace would move in.

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