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Get Wisdom.

Grandma making cookies with granddaughter
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Read: Proverbs 4:7, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 16:16, Proverbs 1:5

I love Proverbs 4 verse 7. No fluffy words. No filler. Just truth. If you want to know how to be wise, it’s simple: get wisdom. Actively pursue it. Seek it out. Go after it.

Wisdom can be found in God’s Word and in the counsel of the Godly. Gaining wisdom requires humility and teachability. Three things that will hinder you from walking in wisdom are:

  1. Defensiveness (“I don’t like what you are saying.”)

  2. Pride (“I don’t need your help.”)

  3. Rebellion (“I will do it my way.”)

We must stay vigilant to guard our hearts from all three.

Proverbs 1:5 says that a wise man will hear and increases learning. He ‘WILL’ hear- not “might” hear or “sometimes” hears. A wise man (or woman) has made a conscience decision to hear instruction. The word “hear” in this text not only means to “listen” but also to “obey” and “declare” what is spoken. So, wisdom is not only receiving the word but also responding to it in obedience.

When I needed electrical work done on my house, I didn’t try to do it on my own. I called my Uncle. After years of work as an electrician, I knew he was the man for the job. When we needed a new car, my husband called our mechanic to ask what we should look for. When my friend brought a delicious dip to a party, I asked her how to make it. I didn’t try to “wing” it. I went straight to the source and asked for help. Why? Because I had no clue what was in that amazing concoction of deliciousness. Just like we had no clue how to choose a car unless we based it on, “Is it pretty?” And just like I had no clue what wires to attach where and how not to electrocute myself. Not knowing led to asking and not once have I regretted that I called my Uncle, that we called our mechanic, or that I asked my friend for the recipe.

Needing help is not weakness. It is not a shame. It is not a sin. Godly parents recognize their need for God -for His wisdom, for His strength, for His…everything. They recognize they can’t do this on their own and they lean into the One who made their child and “fashioned their heart individually (Psalm 33).” What better place is there to find wisdom than from the One who created your child? Who formed and shaped every detail of who they are? Who knows the end from the beginning?

Mamas, don’t let defensives, pride, or rebellion get in the way of receiving the wisdom of the Lord. Hear Him. Obey Him. Follow His instructions. And see what a difference it makes!


Are you teachable?

Do you seek advice from good, Godly sources?

Does your heart receive or do you close up when you don’t like what they say? Why do you think you respond that way?

Check your heart. Is there any defensiveness, pride, or rebellion? Repent and ask God to give you a meek, gentle, and teachable spirit. Not sure if you are good at receiving wisdom from others? Ask a trusted co-worker. “Do I seek out help or try to do things on my own?” “When I am corrected, how do I respond?” Make a list of good, Godly sources you can trust and seek counsel from. Do you have a mentor? If not, ask God to help you find one.

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