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Let It Shine

Writing in journal
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Read: 1 Corinthians 8:13, 9:12, Romans 1:16

As I read these verses, I found myself moved to tears. To love people so much that you would be willing to lay down your own rights for their salvation – what an example of the Father’s heart! I wonder – would I do the same? Do I do the same?

Paul’s commitment to the Gospel is so evident here within these chapters. Whatever it takes, whatever it asks of him, whatever he must lay down – he will do it so that the Gospel may be heard and received by men. Paul didn’t just serve. He sacrificed. This was more than a job to him. This was his life’s work. He lived that men would know Jesus and that Jesus would be preached to all men.

Paul’s commitment challenges me. In a culture where Christians are often bold about their opinions and yet timid about sharing their faith, I find myself asking as I read these chapters, “Niki, when is the last time you personally witnessed to someone?” And, “When is the last time you led someone to Jesus?”

Mothers at playdates, teachers at schools, cashiers at the grocery store, co-workers – we must not lose the fire, the passion, the zeal of Paul – to see people come to know Jesus, to see our city transformed by the Good News. So many are lost. So many are broken. People are dying every day without knowing Jesus. I wonder, do we – do I- live aware of it? Or have we lost sight of it? In the business of life and the endless check lists – have we somehow forgotten why we are here in the first place?

Matthew 5 says that we are to be a “light.” In the darkness of this world, our lives are to point people who desperately need a Savior to the One who saves! Are we willing, like Paul, to say, “but we will endure anything…” for the sake of the Gospel?

Not sure where to begin? Matthew 5 says our good deeds will point to the Father in Heaven. Start there! Make cookies for an elderly couple on your street. Shovel your neighbor’s driveway. Send thank you cards to your children’s teachers. Drop some flowers off to your favorite cashier at the grocery store. Start here and then…

Bring Jesus in conversation. This should not be difficult. As followers of Jesus, He should be such a constant and normal part of our everyday life that His presence in our lives and the lessons that He has taught us bleed into every topic. As people open up, share your testimony with them. Where were you before Jesus? Where were you when Jesus met you? Where are you now? Keep it simple. And then…

Listen. People want to know that they are heard – that what they have to say matters. If they ask questions, acknowledge when you don’t have the answers and invite them to go seek out a Pastor that does. Maybe even offer to go with them. Admit that you have had questions too and that God is not afraid of them. And finally…

Pray. Pray for the people who receive your message and for those who don’t. Pray for your city, your school system, your governmental authority, your neighbors. Pray in your car, as you wash dishes, while you fold laundry. Pray and see what God will do!


When is the last time I shared my faith with someone or led someone to Christ? If it has never happened or hasn’t happened in a long time – why do I think that this is?

Why is it so easy for us as believers to lose our fiery passion for the lost of our city?

When is the last time I prayed for my city?

Who are some people in my life right now that I should begin to pray for?

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