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Making Room For God

Proverbs 10:4

The wicked does not seek Him. In his pride, he makes no room for God in his thoughts.

I spent over a decade pastoring alongside my husband. During that time, I found myself often upon my knees seeking the Lord for His direction as I prepared for a Sunday morning message or list of songs for worship. I wanted to hear Him. I needed to hear Him. From the day we began our pastorate I knew: the world needed Jesus not Niki.

At home, however, it was a different story. I often made rash decisions I would later regret. Praying but never listening – I ran head first into every moment trying to find my way through marriage conflicts and toddler tantrums on my own. I never stopped to seek the Lord’s advice. I never asked Him how to deal with it. I just did it. Until one day, the Lord stopped with this question: “Why?”

Why wasn’t I calling on God and seeking His leadership in all of the other areas of my life?

The answer made me cringe. I didn’t want to accept it. I hated admitting it, but I couldn’t deny it. The words of Proverbs 10 verse 4 echoed in my ears: “The wicked does not seek Him. In his pride, he makes no room for God in his thoughts.” If I was “making no room for God” and taking no time to seek Him in these areas of my life – then I was operating in pride.

Pride that says, “I can do it on my own.”

Pride that says, “It is my responsibility to figure this out.”

Pride that tells God what I’m doing instead of asking Him what I should do.

In 1 Samuel 15:10, the Lord says, “Saul has stopped obeying me and I am sorry that I made him king.” In the King James Version, it reads like this: “(Saul) has turned his back on following Me.”

Obeying God’s voice is not only hearing His voice, but also “considering it.” Saul had stopped following the voice of the Lord and started leading his own life. And the saddest part of all? He didn’t even realize it.

Here is the reality: We have so many followers of Jesus that are not truly being led by Him. And I have been one of them.

It can be so subtle – this falling away from His lead. It can be too easy to justify. Pride is a sneaky thing.

Pride can silently build up in our hearts over time – a little less seeking, a little more, “I’m too busy,” and, “I think I can handle this on my own.” Before long, pride can swallow up surrender. “Follower of Jesus” can become just a title, not truly how we live our lives.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways, acknowledge Him

And He WILL direct your path.

Have you been making room for God?

Have you been seeking His counsel on the decisions you need to make in your life?

Have you been listening for His voice?

Or have you, like Saul, stopped "considering" Him and taken life into your own hands?

If so, take a moment to repent. Open your Bible and your journal - carve out time to be with Jesus. Ask God to speak to you once again. Make room to hear His voice.

Let's be followers of Jesus who actually follow Him.

***THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM Planted Bible Study Series, Book 2: Emotional Stability. This book is available on Amazon:

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