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The God Who Is...Ordering Steps

Read: 1 Samuel 9

Israel had made their decision. In chapter eight they made it clear that they would no longer accept Jehovah God as their King. They wanted a man on the throne – a man that fit the image they had in their heads of the “perfect” king. Regal, tall, handsome, strong, commanding on the battlefield – Israel felt confident that a man on the throne would make them like all the other nations and being like all the other nations was everything to Israel.

After warning them what this would ultimately cost, God gave them what they asked for. He chose Saul from the tribe of Benjamin to be the first human king of Israel. Chapter nine then opens with Saul in search of his father’s runaway donkeys. It ends with him sitting beside Samuel hearing of God’s call upon His life. This is a story only God could weave – the twists and turns nothing but divine. Before Saul comes near Samuel’s home, God tells Samuel of his coming. He prepares his heart and unfolds His plan to him. So by the time Saul enters the village, Samuel is ready.

A meal is prepared with food that had already been “set aside” just for this moment. “See,” Samuel said, ”what was kept is set before you. Eat, because it was kept for you until the hour appointed, that you might eat with the guests (Vs 24).” Can you imagine Saul’s surprise to this news? They knew he was coming. They prepared for his arrival. They were actually waiting for it. This “unplanned trip” to see the “Seer” about some donkeys had actually been planned all along by the Author of Life! None of it was by accident. All of it was by God’s divine orchestration. And as I read this portion of scripture, I am reminded to trust the God who orders steps and writes good stories. I find myself recounting the many times that I met someone at the exact moment I needed to or found myself in the right place at the right time for God-sized miracle. He can be trusted with my future, trusted with my tomorrows.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says that as we trust in the Lord with all of our hearts, lean not on our own understanding, and acknowledge God in all of our ways – He will direct our path.

Psalm 37:23 says “the steps of a good man are ordered (arranged, determined, directed) by the Lord…” As I yield my life into His hands, handing Him the pen and the paper – the story He will write with my life will be so far beyond anything I could write on my own.

Are there areas in your life that you have not been trusting to His capable hands? Parts of your story you have yet to surrender to the Author of Life? Can I encourage you today to lay it all down at the feet of Jesus today? Give Him the pen and paper…I promise you – He can be trusted to write your story!

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